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How to use different number series for different types of customers?

For certain purposes, it is possible that you want to see by the assigned number if you’re dealing with a certain type of customer, for example if it is a domestic or a foreign customer.

This can be done by using a different number series for each type of customer. This can be configured as follows:

  • Go to the sales & receivables setup
  • In the section Number Series, check which number series is per default used for customers:
    Using a different number series for different types of customers
  • Go to series.
  • Create a new no. series for the type of customer for which you want to make a distinction (for example the number series FO_CUST for foreign customers).
  • It is important to not tick the box Default nos.
  • On top of the screen, go to Lines and add a starting no. and increment-by no for this new no. series. The other fields are optional.
  • Now go the default no. series for customers (in this case, CUST). On the top of the screen, choose relationships.
  • Select the no. series that you want to link (in this case, FO_CUST).


The setup is done! When you create a new customer, you can choose which no. series you want to use for the customer by clicking  … on the no.-field on the customer card.

Using a different number series for different types of customersYou get the following screen, on which you can select the numbering to be used:

Using a different number series for different types of customers